Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (2024)

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By Incredible Recipes | 21 Comments | Posted: | Updated:

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This is one of my families favorite meals and what makes it even better?

Its ready in under 20 minutes!

Delicious seasoned shrimp in a unbelievable cream sauce!

Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (1)

Its such an easy and fantastic recipe, everyone is sure to adore!

One of the best things about this dish is that even if you are not a fan of shrimp, you can also do it just as well with chicken!

Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (2)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (3)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (4)

I have done chicken with this recipe instead of shrimp and its really the sauce that makes it taste SO good!

Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (5)

So regardless what type of ‘meat’ you do with it,

its always going to be outstanding!

Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (6)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (7)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (8)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (9)


Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (10)

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Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta!


  • 1 lb of spaghetti or your favorite pasta of choice
  • 1 1/2 lbs of medium shrimp peeled and deveined (or 1 pound boneless chicken, chopped)
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 3 tsp paprika
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh parsley
  • Black pepper to taste

For the Sauce

  • 1/2 cup of Hellmans mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup Thai sweet chili sauce in the asian isle
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 Tablespoons of lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp of crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder

The mayo CAN be substituted for Plain yogurt, heavy cream, cream cheese or even sour cream


    Did you make this recipe?

    Make sure to follow on Pinterest for more recipes!

    adapted via

    Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (11)


    Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (12)

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      Comments & Reviews

    1. ella says

      can it be done with rice?


      • Janet Bradley says

        Could I use Angel hair pasta, or would that be tooo light.

        Thanks, Janet


    2. janet toso says

      Great recipe, very easy and quick.Great flavor will definitely make this again,family loved it!


      • donna gillespie says

        Can you go without that sweet sauce tai something i think?


    3. KurapypE says

      Adelаіda, 31, housewifе: “I dіd a shаllоw peelіng for сleаning. Thе result wаs very gоod, I lіkеd еverything vеry muсh. Gonе аrе fine wrіnkles, the skin has beсоme mоrе еvеn. ”
      Naomi, 37 yеаrs old, dіrеctоr: “I dіd my fасe clеаnіng in thе salon – my соmplexіоn сhаngеd аftеr dеlivery. The rеsult plеasеd, but the соst оf сlеаnіng wаs quіtе hіgh, оftеn this wіll nоt аllоw. ”
      deep chemical peel before and after


    4. Kellie says

      NO…UGH! This recipe is missing the Bang! There needs to be some kick… not just sweet. Must have some sriracha added to the sauce or something else to add some heat. Sorry, this was a “Fail” recipe for me.


    5. 01Beat says

      What’s the parsley for?


    6. Potensproblem says

      Now I am going to do my breakfast, after having my breakfast coming again to read further news.


    7. Norine says

      How many servings is this recipe?


    8. Gary Lucus says

      How many will this feed


    9. Jackie says

      Where is the recipe?


    10. Beth says

      How many people will this serve? Thanks.


    11. Isabelita says

      Yumi yumi yo quiero
      En serio c muy muy sabroso
      Creí q crema era lo q llevaría hehehe
      Gracias x tan deliciosa fotografía


    12. apple says

      I have to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this website.
      I’m hoping to view the same high-grade content by you in the future as well.
      In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to
      get my own site now 😉


    13. Steven says

      Does it have a bite to it? (Spicey? )


    14. Staci says

      My family loves this recipe! We have some picky eaters, especially when it comes to spice. So, I just leave out the crushed red pepper flakes. It still has a tiny kick, even without. This has become a family favorite. Even my two year old, and my extremely picky niece love it!


    15. Jeannie Stock says

      Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (13)
      My husband and my love this recipe! So delicious and quick and easy to make!


    16. Cindy says

      Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (14)
      This was a big hit every one loved it but I think I might deepfry the shrimp next time just to see what happens ty


    17. Jennifer W. says

      Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (15)
      added a 1 tsp of Cajun seasoning and 1 tsp Red Pepper. Just enough Heat.


    18. Ziti says

      Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (16)
      Made last night. Enjoyed it very much. I believe I overcooked my shrimp, but still had a great flavor. Will be a staple in our house.


    Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta! - My Incredible Recipes (2024)
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