Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: A Tasty and Healthy Soup Choice - Blend of Bites (2024)

Posted: · Last updated: · by Shai Cohen · This post may contain affiliate links

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The leaves are falling, and the days are shorter and chilly. That’s the fall season for you. Although they don’t shine as bright as the summer fruits, the fall season has one or two great ones. One of those is squash, technically a fruit that comes with different colors and tastes. Our buttercup squash soup recipe is great for warming you on those chilly nights, and the soft, creamy texture, with the cozy smell of ginger and turmeric, does a great job of elevating your mood.

Our buttercup squash soup recipe is easy to make, so you can have a delicious, homemade soup on the table in no time.

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Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: A Tasty and Healthy Soup Choice - Blend of Bites (1)


  • Buttercup squash — 1 pc., peeled and seeded.
  • Butter — 1 tbsp.
  • Onion — 3 cups, chopped.
  • Carrots — 2 ½ pcs., chopped.
  • Ground ginger — 1 tbsp.
  • Ground turmeric — 1 tbsp.
  • Salt and pepper — to taste.
  • Heavy cream — optional.
  • Vegetable stock — 3 ½ cups, optional.


Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: A Tasty and Healthy Soup Choice - Blend of Bites (2)
  1. Peel and seed the squash.
  1. Cut it into evenly shaped pieces, and set it aside.
  1. Chop the onions and carrots.
  1. Melt the butter in a large pot, and add the onions.
  1. Sauté until translucent, about 10 minutes. Later, add the carrots.
  1. Add the squash and stir well.
  1. Optional — Add heavy cream or vegetable stock, depending on your preference.
  1. Bring it to a boil on medium heat, reduce the heat, and let simmer, until the squash is tender.
  1. Remove the soup from the pan and puree it in a blender.
  1. Add salt and pepper to taste when pureeing.
  1. Add turmeric and ginger.


  • Measuring spoons and cups.
  • Large cooking pot.
  • Blender.

Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: FAQs

1. How to choose the right squash

Choose one that is the right size for your needs. If you are cooking for one or two people, a small squash will suffice. If you are feeding a large crowd, you will need a larger squash. Also, pay attention to the texture of the squash. Some squash is more tender, while others are firmer. Choose a squash that will have the right texture for your dish. For our buttercup squash soup recipe, a tender squash with a smooth texture is the best. Make sure that there aren’t any brown spots, and that the color is pale yellow or gray.

2. Which type of squash is best?

There are many different types of squash, up to twelve different types. The most common ones are usually acorn squash, butternut squash, and winter squash. Each type of squash has its own unique flavor and texture. For a delicious soup with creamy skin, we feel that buttercup squash is the best. With a deep, golden-yellow color and a sweet, nutty flavor, buttercup squash is typically used in soups and stews, but it can also be roasted or baked.

3. Should you roast the squash?

Although we didn’t opt for roasting on our buttercup squash soup, you can always roast the squash. While slow cooking the squash is easier, faster, and simpler; roasting a squash actually will allow you to easily skin it. If you’d like to roast the squash instead of slow cooking it, start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees F., grease the baking sheet, seed the squash, and cut it into two halves. Place the two halves on the pan, and roast for forty minutes, or until they are tender.

Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: A Tasty and Healthy Soup Choice - Blend of Bites (3)

Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe

Learn how to make a delicious and healthy buttercup squash soup recipe. This soup is perfect for a winter meal!

5 from 51 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 50 minutes mins

Course Soup

Cuisine African, International

Servings 4 people

Calories 110 kcal


  • Measuring spoons and cups

  • Large pot

  • Blender


  • 1 pc. buttercup squash peeled and seeded
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 3 cups onion chopped
  • 2 ½ pcs. carrots chopped
  • 1 tbsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp. ground turmeric
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Heavy cream optional
  • 3 ½ cups vegetable stock optional


  • Peel and seed the squash.

  • Cut it into evenly shaped pieces, and set it aside.

  • Chop the onions and carrots.

  • Melt the butter in a large pot, and add the onions.

  • Sauté until translucent, about 10 minutes. Later, add the carrots.

  • Add the squash and stir well.

  • Optional — Add heavy cream or vegetable stock, depending on your preference.

  • Bring it to a boil on medium heat, reduce the heat, and let simmer, until the squash is tender.

  • Remove the soup from the pan and puree it in a blender.

  • Add salt and pepper to taste when pureeing.

  • Add turmeric and ginger.



Nutrition Facts

Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe

Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*






Saturated Fat





Trans Fat



Polyunsaturated Fat



Monounsaturated Fat

































Vitamin A





Vitamin C















* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Keyword Best buttercup squash soup recipe, Easy buttercup squash soup recipe, Sweet buttercup squash soup

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Buttercup Squash Soup Recipe: A Tasty and Healthy Soup Choice - Blend of Bites (2024)


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How to spice up bland butternut squash soup? ›

Season soup with cayenne pepper, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, salt, and pepper. Stir in half-and-half cream and sherry. Cook and stir over medium heat until heated through; do not boil. Ladle into soup bowls and top each with a dollop of sour cream to serve.

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Having a good potassium intake is important in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Butternut squash soup is a good source of fiber AND potassium!

How do you make butternut squash soup less sweet? ›

Dry cooking methods such as roasting and sauteeing tend to bring a squash's sugars to the fore. You might want to blanch or par-cook the squash in a little bit of water before sauteeing; that would diminish the sweetness somewhat but allow you to finish the dish in the prescribed fashion.

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Jan 12, 2012

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According to the Taste Atlas Awards, the international food database, the Filipino favorite, Sinigang, is hailed as the best soup in the world.

How can I thicken my squash soup? ›

How do I thicken butternut squash soup? If you find the soup is too thin, try adding pureed white beans to the soup. You can also use a small amount of cornstarch or arrowroot powder mixed with water (called a slurry) to thicken it up. Use a 1-to-2 ratio (for example, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch to 2 teaspoons of water).

What Flavours go well with butternut squash? ›

I like pork with butternut squash. I like to cook the squash with a little cinnamon and brown sugar, and pork chops, pork steaks, pork roast, and ham all go very well with this dish. Also good sausages like an Italians sweet or spicy sausage.

Why does my butternut soup taste sour? ›

What happened? It's no coincidence that the butternut squash soup had fermented, alcoholic notes. Indeed, fermented rice turns out to be the culprit here. Rice is high in starch, which is relatively easy to ferment.

Does squash raise blood sugar? ›

Butternut squash contains a type of fiber that's not digestible. If you have diabetes, it can help keep your blood sugar from rising after eating. Butternut squash also has a low glycemic index, which means that its carbs are digested more slowly. This also helps keep blood sugar from rising.

Is squash soup good for your stomach? ›

Especially when served warm, squash soup is easy to digest, even for people who tend to have nausea or abdominal cramping. This soup is simple to make, saves well, and best of all, can become a healing tonic with a few simple additions.

Does squash detox your body? ›

Foods to Support a Natural Detox

Butternut Squash: Butternut squash is a good source of vitamin C and an excellent source of vitamin A. These vitamins support your immune system by fighting off invading bacteria and viruses.

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Sugar: A pinch of sugar softens the edges of anything that tastes too sour or harsh (looking at you, tomato-based soups).

Why did my butternut squash soup turn brown? ›

As the veggies hit the boiling water, volatile acids are released into the water and are carried away in the steam. When the pot is covered, the steam and the acids it contains are forced back into the water. Once there, the acids react with the chlorophyll in the vegetables, turning them an unsightly shade of brown.

How do you fix squash soup that is too sweet? ›

If your dish is a little too sweet, try rounding out the sweetness by adding flavors or ingredients that are sour, bitter, or spicy. It may be obvious not to add more sweet ingredients, but you should also stay away from salty ones since they actually bring out the sweetness in food.

Can you be healthy just eating soup? ›

May induce weight loss: Though evidence for soup-based diets is lacking, some research has found that eating soup as part of a regular diet may have some health benefits, including weight loss. In a 2011 study, soup intake was associated with lower body mass index (BMI) and smaller waist circumference.

Is soup good or bad for Weight Loss? ›

Soups are an excellent and tasty addition to your weight loss diet plan, but the key is to pick the right type of soup. Low-calorie vegetable-based soups can help fill you up and reduce overall calorie intake, while cream-based soups and those loaded with high-calorie ingredients should be avoided.

Is soup healthy yes or no? ›

Usually, yes! Soup can be filling, low calorie, nutrient-dense, and supportive of your immune system and weight loss journey. Maximize the benefits by avoiding soups that are full of salt, sugar, or cream. Look for soups brimming with vegetables and sources of filling protein and healthy fat instead.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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