The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (2024)

Table of Contents

The History of Makeup 101
Ancient Egypt
Ancient China
The Middle Ages
The Elizabethan and Victorian Era (1558 - 1837)
The 20th Century
The 2000s and 2010s
The Subtl Beauty Stack Is the Future of Makeup

The History of Makeup 101

Putting on makeup is truly one of the best self-care practices out there; after all, it lets us spend good quality time with ourselves. But, if you’re like me, you often daydream while applying makeup wondering if those before you knew the secrets to a good smokey eye or the pros and cons of certain cosmetic ingredients.

Then, a spiral of questions begins to cascade around your brain. How did they apply makeup? When did makeup even come to be? While the history of makeup is fickle, the essence of gender expression, religion, and self-expression are riddled throughout, meaning that makeup’s past goes beyond just what’s on the surface.

So, without further ado, welcome to The History of Makeup 101 (presented by Subtl Beauty, of course) where you’ll learn the highlights, facts, stories, and stereotypes that have contoured the way we view and use makeup today. Or, if you’ve already dived into the history of makeup before, here’s a quick blush up:

Ancient Egypt

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (1)

The Egyptians were some of the first to use perfume, skincare, and cosmetics. As early as 10,000 BCE, Egyptian women and men used scented ointments and oils to soften and clean the skin. In fact, the Romans documented the use of Egyptian oils containing beeswax, olive oil, rosewater, and more, which is believed to be the world’s first anti-wrinkle serum.

Some cosmetics that are popular today, like kohl (an eye cosmetic made by grinding stibnite), were first used in ancient Egypt. People of both genders and all classes would commonly line their eyes in green-colored kohl for sun defense and to ward off evil. Scientists now believe that the lead in their kohl may have kept them healthier as it killed bacteria.

Many ancient Egyptians also rouged their lips (and cheeks) with a red ochre blend as the color red symbolized life and was an indicator of social status. To apply cosmetics, ancient Egyptians used their fingers or small sticks made of wood, ivory, or bone. They stored all of their loose cosmetics in calcite jars or small boxes like the fish-shaped one below.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (2)

Pictured: Ancient Egyptian fish-shaped makeup box (new makeup bag inspo coming for Subtl?!)

Ancient China

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (3)

In ancient China, cosmetics were very simple and mostly plant or mineral-based. To produce a rouge, they would often mix safflower and ochre which would create a reddish pigment that was applied to the lips and cheeks. During this time, a ruddy complexion was a sign of good health. Rouge remained popular all throughout Chinese history and is still a staple in 2023.

In ancient China, paleness was the equivalent of blush in 2023; it was super popular. Having a light complexion (for both men and women) was associated with a leisurely lifestyle and – in turn – wealth. Most of the whitening products they used, though, contained large amounts of lead, which caused decreased fertility, developmental issues, miscarriage, and premature death.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (4)

Pictured: Remains of ancient Chinese cosmetics

The Middle Ages

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (5)

The Middle Ages were kind of a dark time for makeup (and other things - yikes!) considering the society was dominated by a strict church that viewed makeup as spiritually immoral. Applying makeup in any way during the Middle Ages was viewed as a direct defiance of church authority. Women during this time faced a dilemma as they were expected to use the right amount of makeup to attract a husband.

Due to this, they had to get creative with cosmetics in a way that wouldn’t upset the church, which made for some unique beauty tactics (kind of like the Tik Tok beauty hacks we see today). For example, they’d use roots and berries mixed with fats to create medieval lipstick. Commonly, light rose shades were accepted so long as the look remained natural and angelic.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (6)Pictured: Painting from the Middle Ages depicts the ideal women’s makeup look

The Elizabethan and Victorian Era

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (7)

Queen Elizabeth I was basically the Kim K. of 16th century England; every woman wanted to get her famous look of ultra-pale skin and red hair. Some women during the Elizabethan Era even used a toxic mix of white lead and vinegar to attain it. Men also wore makeup recreationally during Liz’s reign – until Queen Victoria took the throne.

The Victorian Era ushered in a time reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Queen Victoria believed makeup was associated with the devil, deeming it a “horrible invention.” Soon, makeup was used by females only in secret, causing the depiction of masculinity to narrow. If makeup was worn during this era, a light blush, often made of carmine, was the preferred product.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (8)

Pictured: Elizabethan Era makeup containers

The 20th Century

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (9)

In the early 1900s, makeup counters were finally developed, meaning that makeup no longer carried the Victorian Era stigma (except for when it came to men, mostly). However, the makeup trends during the 20th century often ebbed and flowed as each decade would flip between a natural look and a dark, sultry vibe.

To break it down: The 1910swas the bare-faced look, but in the 1920s, a smokey eye was popular. The 1940s embraced the natural look again, while winged liner dominated the 1950s. The 1970s brought back the minimalistic look, which was replaced by the punk style of the 1980s. And the 1990s gave way to the fresh-face look once again.

Throughout most of the 20th century, cosmetics consisted of small pots of rouge for the cheeks, eyes, and lips, along with blotting papers. To achieve a pale complexion, lemon juice was often applied to the skin as a toner. Hollywood had a massive influence on makeup trends, and ultimately, caused cosmetics to become mainstream.

Do You Remember?: Caboodles! Did you store your makeup in them? They were basically bright plastic cases filled with trays for your makeup. During the 90s, especially, there were a ton of trendy cosmetic products out there, so our Caboodles would always be overflowing, making finding what we needed a bit difficult (and it would rarely close).

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (10)

. Pictured: Caboodle from the 1990s

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (11)

Pictured: 1920s-1930s makeup compact

The 2000s and 2010s

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (12)

In the 2000s, tan skin was trendy as it gave the impression of health while also covering up blemishes. Lip gloss and eyeshadows in metallic and/or bold colors were all the rage among makeup consumers. It was also trendy to pluck your eyebrows as thin as possible (sorry to those still facing the consequences of this in 2023).

The 2010s was a de”k”ade to remember as the Kardashian and Jenner clan reigned supreme in the beauty realm. Their look consisted of plump matte lips, full eyebrows, and – of course – a lot of contouring. This was also when female and male makeup artists began to showcase their skills on Youtube granting them celebrity status.

Do You Remember?: Concealed lips (Paris Hilton is sporting a subtle version of it above)! It involved – you guessed it – wearing concealer instead of lipstick or gloss, resulting in a washed-out appearance. Looking back, I’m not sure why this was ever trendy, but without the need for lip products, it did make for fewer beauty products in your makeup bag or Caboodle.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (13)

Pictured: Early 2000s makeup ad

The Subtl Beauty Stack Is the Future of Makeup

Throughout history, women and men have used various makeup products to flaunt their status, find a partner, and even protect their skin, all while juggling different cosmetic concoctions. In a time when makeup was a hopeful mix of botanicals and earthly matter, people still sought ways to keep their makeup together in one container. In ancient Egypt, they used a fish palette to store their makeup, while the Chinese used small jars. And in the 1990s, people threw their products in a Caboodle.

Today, Subtl Beauty has reimagined the way you apply and store your makeup with our revolutionary Subtl Beauty Stack. Each Stack is fully customized by you, which means that your Stack will only include products you need and none that you don’t. And, with our stackable makeup, you’ll never have to sift through your makeup products again, meaning more time to actually apply your makeup. So whether you’re a busy mom or about to board a flight, our Subtl Stack will solve the age-old issue of makeup clutter that even the ancient Egyptians dealt with.

The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (14)


The History Of Makeup 101 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know, Past & (2024)


What is the history of makeup? ›

Makeup dates all the way back to 6000 BCE, starting with the Egyptians. They created it as they believed makeup was next to godliness and that it appealed to the Gods; both men and women of all social classes wore makeup.

Why was makeup important in ancient Egypt? ›

Cosmetics and Perfumes, Egypt, 10,000 BCE

Such measures were intended not only to be aesthetically pleasing, but also to protect the wearer from the heat of the sun and the dust of the desert.

What did the first makeup look like? ›

Early Makeup – The Egyptians

The first makeup colors to be widely used were black and green. Black and green eyeshadows were made using mined lead and copper ores. The Egyptians also used makeup called “kohl” to outline the eyes in an almond shape. Kohl has a powder consistency and was applied using a small stick.

What did people use for makeup in the past? ›

Women would use products around their homes as makeup. They would create face masks out of oatmeal, honey, and egg yolks. Also, they would use rice powder to dust their noses, pluck their eyebrows, and massage castor oil into their eyelashes.

Why is makeup important to history? ›

Makeup also had a ritualistic and symbolic meaning. According to the Natural History Museum of Utah, colored eyeshadows represented different gods and women would mix their makeup with animal pigments to take on the animal's power. But once the Ancient Roman Empire rolled around, makeup then came with stigma.

Who made the first makeup? ›

Unfortunately, there is no clear inventor of makeup to give our gratitude to. We know that the first record of using makeup comes from ancient Egypt, but there is no one particular person credited with this invention.

Why is makeup called makeup? ›

The industry has gained international acclaim over the years also thanks to Polish beautician Maksymilian Faktorowicz, referred to as the 'father of makeup', who created the renowned line of cosmetics called Max Factor in the U.S. In 1920, Faktorowicz invented the word makeup as an alternative to saying cosmetics.

Who invented makeup and why? ›

The first cosmetics appeared 5,000 years ago in Egypt. To achieve a pleasant smell and softness of the skin, incense oils were used, and women applied white to protect their faces from the sun. The Egyptians were also the first to use black antimony-based paint as eyeliner.

When did makeup become feminine? ›

For generations, makeup has been seen as a "girls-only" enterprise, so we forget that it wasn't always that way. For millennia, stretching from 4000 BCE through the 18th century, men traditionally used makeup in myriad ways. It wasn't until the mid-1800s that makeup was relegated to one end of the gender spectrum.

Who was the first gender to wear makeup? ›

It is interesting to note that makeup, which is often associated with women, had a significant role in the lives of men in ancient cultures. This dates back to 10,000 years ago when tribal men would wear paint for either hunting or battle purposes, rather than for cosmetic purposes.

What gender was makeup originally made for? ›

At the time, makeup was used by Egyptian men to showcase their masculinity. The ancient Greeks and Romans utilized similar techniques. Rogue was used to add color to cheeks, and they painted their faces with powders made from ground-up minerals.

Was makeup originally for boys? ›

Men are known to have used cosmetics in Roman times, although it was frowned upon by society. Men seen carrying mirrors were viewed as effeminate, while those using face-whitening makeup were thought to be immoral because they were expected to be tanned from working outside.

How is makeup today different from the past? ›

Contrast that with today, where the look is more natural; eyes are still accented with smoky shadows and liquid eyeliner and mascara, but the touch is lighter and gently enhances features. Even when hair is carefully styled, today's high-tech products provide light, invisible hold that leaves hair soft and touchable.

What can old makeup do? ›

If bacteria get into an open container or onto a brush, they can multiply rapidly and cause breakouts or other infections. Mold is another common issue with old cosmetics because moisture builds up inside containers over time, leading to mold growth. This mold growth can trigger breakouts or other irritations.

How did makeup change over the years? ›

1960s: False eyelashes became popular with women, including models, starlets, and everyday people. Natural makeup ingredients, such as carrot juice, appeared during this decade. 1980s: Brightly colored eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick blossomed during this decade and have maintained popularity in every decade since.

Why was it called makeup? ›

Etymologically, makeup is the "manner in which something is put together," c. 1821 (from make (v) + up). Cosmetics sense is from c. 1886, while the colloquial phrase "make up" which means "to apply cosmetics" is from c.

Why was makeup called makeup? ›

The industry has gained international acclaim over the years also thanks to Polish beautician Maksymilian Faktorowicz, referred to as the 'father of makeup', who created the renowned line of cosmetics called Max Factor in the U.S. In 1920, Faktorowicz invented the word makeup as an alternative to saying cosmetics.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.