The Truth About Epilator Hair Removal: Should You Use It? - AcuAesthetics - Expert Acupuncture Beauty Therapy (2024)

Published January 31, 2024

Body hair is normal. There’s nothing wrong with having it. In this modern day, many and many are speaking up against normalizing it. Same with us! We’re an advocate of accepting your body wholeheartedly, including its hair.

But loving your entire body doesn’t mean you can’t opt for hair removal if that’s what you prefer. Hair removal can boost confidence for some people. Aside from being a preference, it can also be an act of self-care. And if you’re searching for a hair removal method, an epilator might be the one for you.

An epilator is an electric device designed to diminish hair directly from the roots. It has been creating buzz more and more. This is why we’ve devised a write-up that will discuss the truth once and for all. Should you use an epilator for hair removal? While there are many advantages, it depends. Let’s start discussing everything you need to know about it.

What is an Epilator?

An epilator is a device crafted to remove unwanted body hair. It removes hair directly from the roots. It has a revolving roller containing multiple sets of tweezers. Place it against your skin, and the tweezers work as the roller rotates. They remove the unwanted hairs from your skin. It is a cost-effective type of hair removal. It can also be employed all over your body.

How Do Epilators Work?

Epilators, those handy hair-removal devices, work by uprooting hair from the roots using small discs or tweezers. These electric gadgets are designed to grip the hair follicle and swiftly pluck it out, leaving you with smooth skin. Similar to waxing, epilators remove hair from the root but without the use of wax. Instead, they rely on the mechanism of plucking to achieve hair removal.

Many epilators come with a range of attachments. Some have skin massagers and delicate area caps. There are others with exfoliation brushes and pedicure foot buffers, too! What’s more impressive is they can even come with a shaver head for your most sensitive areas. They are a complete hair removal pamper set.

Epilator Hair Removal: How To Use An Epilator?

1. Prepare your skin

Before using the epilator, your skin must be clean and dry. Taking a warm shower will help to open up the pores. It then will lead to a less painful process.

2. Exfoliate

Gentle exfoliation will prevent ingrown hairs. It will also allow the epilator to work more effectively.

3. Choose the right speed setting.

Most epilators come with multiple settings. Begin with a lower speed if you’re new to it. Gradually increase as you tolerate the process.

4. Hold the epilator at a 90-degree angle.

The epilator must be perpendicular to your skin. It will ensure that the tweezers on it will grip the hair properly.

5. Begin with small areas.

Epilate first on smaller areas. It would mean your legs and underarms. Maneuver the device against the direction of hair growth. Do so in slow, steady motions.

6. Stretch your skin

To alleviate discomfort, stretch your skin tight with one hand as you move the epilator with the other. It helps the hair stand upright for easier removal.

7. Be patient and thorough.

Take your time. Go over the same area multiple times to ensure all the hairs are removed.

8. Aftercare

Apply a soothing lotion or moisturizer once you have finished epilating. These products aid in calming the skin and lessening any redness or irritation. Steer clear of any harsh products afterward.

Do Epilators Work?

Epilators work. They function by plucking out hair from the roots. They can be compared to waxing but without using the wax. These devices use small discs to grip the hair and remove them as you move them over your skin.

They are effective for hair removal and can be a convenient alternative. However, some individuals find the epilators to be uncomfortable and painful.

Epilator Pros and Cons

Pros of Using an Epilator

1. Semi-Permanent Results

It takes longer to grow back since it pulls out hair from the roots. On average, you only need to use epilators about once or twice a month.

2. Works Best on Really Short Hairs

If you’re a fan of waxing, you’ll know that it only works with hairs a certain height. So, it would be best to wait for your hair to grow a few millimeters before you can wax it again. This downtime doesn’t apply to epilators. They work best on really short hairs. So you can have smooth, hair-free skin every time.

3. Less Painful Than Waxing

Most of us would grimace at the thought of waxing mainly because the mere mention of the word takes us to one of the most painful moments of our lives (literally). With epilators, you don’t have to worry about that, especially if you’ve been using it for a long time.

4. Reduces Hair Growth Over Time

Yes, epilators don’t give permanent results. Your hair will still grow back, but you’ll notice it thins out over time. The longer you use epilators, the finer the new hairs will be until they’re no more noticeable.

5. Can Be Used All Over the Body

Since it’s relatively small and works on short hair, you can use it in almost all parts of your body.

6. Environment-Friendly

Epilators don’t need creams, lotions, or any topical applications. It also requires very little energy to run on. It makes it a more environment-friendly option than most hair removal methods.

7. Leaves No Mess

Since it requires no lotion and creams, you won’t have to worry about leaving a mess or ruining your favorite towel with chemical drips. It gives you more freedom to do it anywhere, as you won’t need water to rinse.

8. Can Save You Money in the Long Run

Yes, epilators can be expensive. But it’s a one-time investment that you can use for at least a couple of years.

Think about this: Waxing usually costs around $30 per session. Doing it once every two weeks is $60 per month or $720 per year. The best epilators, on the other hand, cost no more than $200. You can even buy excellent ones at $50. Compared with waxing, it saves you money in the long run.

9. Ideal for Dry and Sensitive Skin

The epilator is your best friend if you have dry or sensitive skin. It works gently and doesn’t dry up your skin. You can even use it in sensitive areas like the armpits and chin.

10. Works on All Types of Hair

There’s an epilator, whether you have long, curly hair or fine, straight ones. They come in various shapes, sizes, and types to suit all hair types.

11. Doesn’t Affect Your Skin Color

Since it works just like tweezers, it won’t affect your skin color. Nor would your skin color jeopardize its ability to pull out hair.

12. You Can Use It Anytime

Epilators can be used at any time of your convenience. You can use it before bed or heading up to work at night. There’s no need to adjust your schedule to your waxing salon’s opening times or availability.

13. Offers More Privacy

You will have more privacy since you can use epilators in your room. You won’t have to lay almost naked before your waxer and bare out your body, warts and all. It’s more comfortable.

14. Easy to Use

With epilators, there is no learning curve. You just have to switch it on and roll over any unwanted hair. It takes getting used to, yes, but most people usually get the hang of it the second time.

15. Portable and Convenient

Most epilators are small enough to fit in your handbag. So you can bring it anywhere, whether traveling or attending a conference. It’s a convenient way of keeping your skin hair-free wherever you are.

Cons of Using an Epilator

1. Pain

Yes, we did say epilators are less painful than waxing. But we didn’t say it’s not painful. Most first-time users will find it extremely painful, like hundreds of tweezers pulling your hair simultaneously.

But there are ways to lessen the pain. For one, you must ensure you trimmed your hair before using the epilator. You can also wipe the area with warm water to soften it, making the process much easier. Subsequent use will not be as painful as the first time and will be much more tolerable.

2. Redness

After epilating, your skin will usually be covered in red spots. The redness usually goes away in a couple of hours. But it’s still inconvenient, especially if you’re going out.

3. Increased Risk of Ingrown Hair

If not used properly, epilators can cause ingrown hairs. We all know how itchy and bothersome it can be to have tiny hairs growing under your skin.

4. Large Upfront Cost

The upfront cost is one primary reason many people doubt buying an epilator. As mentioned, epilators can cost well over $100. Not all people have that much money just lying around in their pockets. So, even if an epilator will be much cheaper in the long run, they still stick with traditional waxing.

5. Long Charging Time and Short Battery Life

Some epilators come with non-rechargeable batteries. Others require charging for every use. The battery can die out at any time, even during your epilating session, and you’re left with a half-shaven leg. It’s not a good sight to behold.

6. Loud Grinding Sounds

If you dislike loud noises, you might need to think twice before using epilators. Their grinding sounds are loud, especially if you’re not used to it.

Epilator Alternatives

There are several alternatives to using an epilator for hair removal. Here are some options you may consider:

1. Waxing or Sugaring

These methods involve applying warm wax or a sugar paste to the skin and removing it from the hair. Waxing and sugaring can provide longer-lasting results similar to epilation.

2. IPL Hair Removal

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices use light energy to target the hair follicles, gradually reducing hair growth over time. IPL treatment can be done at home or in a professional setting.

3. Electrolysis

This method uses electrical current to destroy the hair follicles permanently, providing a more permanent solution to hair removal.

4. Depilatory Creams

These creams contain chemicals that break down the hair, allowing it to be wiped easily. Depilatory creams offer a quick and painless alternative to epilation.

5. Shaving

While shaving doesn’t remove hair from the root like epilation, it is a simple and accessible method for temporary hair removal. Regular shaving may be necessary for maintaining smooth skin.

6. Laser Hair Removal

Like IPL, laser hair removal targets the hair follicles with concentrated light energy. It offers a long-term reduction in hair growth and can be performed by professionals or at-home devices.

Epilator vs. Shaving

When we’re comparing shaving to using an epilator, shaving is hands down easier. It has a shallower learning curve and is faster to do so. Yet, the hair will grow back quicker. Shaving will have your hair back in a day or two. Thus, you’ll have to do it more frequently.

For some women, it is an issue. If you have hairy legs, arms, and pits, dragging a razor repeatedly can be a chore. Not to mention, shaving can also cause razor burn and irritation. It is especially in sensitive areas like the armpit and pubic area.

Another downside of shaving is how the hair grows back. Since blades only cut surface hair, it will leave a prickly feeling. It can be uncomfortable.

In matters of epilator vs. shaving, rely on the epilator. The epilator removes your hair from the roots, so it takes longer to grow back. It will also reduce hair growth, which shaving can’t do. However, if you find yourself lacking time to epilate, shaving can be a stop-gap answer.

Laser Hair Removal Instead of Epilator

When considering laser hair removal instead of an epilator, it’s vital to understand the pros and cons of each method. Laser hair removal is a professional procedure that employs targeted laser beams. It destroys hair follicles, making way for long-lasting hair removal. The top benefits of it include:

1. Permanent results

Laser hair removal offers long-term hair reduction. Most people also experience permanent hair removal after undergoing multiple sessions.

2. Precision

Laser technology allows for precise fixation of specific areas. It is incredible for removing hair from various body parts swiftly and with no fail.

3. Reduced regrowth

Epilation removes hair from the root. However, it still allows for regrowth. Laser hair removal results in finer and lighter hair growth. In some cases, no regrowth at all.

4. Time- saving

Laser hair removal targets multiple hair follicles at once. It is a faster method compared to using an epilator.

The only downside of laser hair removal is its cost. It is more expensive than purchasing an epilator. Moreover, you need to have multiple sessions for optimal results.

Choose us if you’re eyeing a highly-rated, impressive med spa in Boca Raton. We’re more than willing and capable of giving you a laser hair removal session. We deliver high-quality hair removal sessions.

We’re a team of experts in the beauty and self-care industry. You’re in great hands. Let’s get you booked.

Why Should You Opt for Laser Hair Removal Instead?

While laser hair removal may demand an upfront investment, it can save you money in the long term. You will avoid ongoing expenses related to razors, waxing appointments, epilator blades and batteries, and depilatory creams.

Laser hair removal can result in smoother, clearer skin. It will eliminate stubble. It will diminish skin irritation related to hair removal processes and lessen the appearance of pores. Who doesn’t want these?

Once you’ve completed the recommended laser hair removal sessions, you can enjoy its convenience. Say goodbye to unwanted body hair! It will save you time and effort in your daily grooming routine.

The Truth About Epilator Hair Removal: Should You Use It? - AcuAesthetics - Expert Acupuncture Beauty Therapy (2024)


What are the disadvantages of using an epilator? ›

Side effects of Epilators
  • Pain. Epilation involves pulling out hair from the root, so it can hurt quite a lot, especially when done for the first time. ...
  • Redness. A big side effect of epilation is redness and inflammation, because the hair has been pulled out with some force. ...
  • Bumps. ...
  • Whiteheads. ...
  • Swelling.

Should you use an epilator? ›

Takeaway. Epilation can leave behind smoother skin, with results lasting up to 4 weeks. But while the results are impressive, this hair removal method isn't without some pain. The more you use an epilator and improve your technique, however, the less discomfort you may feel.

Who shouldn't use an epilator? ›

If you're more sensitive or prone to pain, epilation might not be the best for you. On the other hand, if you're willing to stand some pain for less side effects, epilation might be better than waxing for you.

Do epilators damage skin? ›

Epilating pulls out hair from the root. Some after-effects like itchiness, redness or tightness after using your Philips epilator are normal, especially if you have sensitive skin. You may also see small bumps on your skin or experience a burning sensation. This goes away with time and is nothing to worry about.

Does hair grow back thinner after epilating? ›

Epilation provides lasting smoothness

Plus, when it does grow back it's softer and finer than before.

What is the best hair removal method? ›

Laser slows the rate of hair regrowth making it a popular method for long term hair removal. Another popular method is IPL. Both laser and IPL can be effective solutions for removing hair long term but there are differences between the two. Pros: In the long-term hair growth is being slowed down.

What are the pros and cons of epilators? ›

A: Epilators can be an effective hair removal method, but they have pros and cons. They provide long-lasting results by removing hair from the roots, leaving skin smooth for up to 4 weeks. However, epilating can be quite painful, especially for first-timers, as the device plucks out multiple hairs at once.

Does epilator remove pubic hair? ›

Epilation is a root-hair removal method that is done using an epilator. It is one of the best tools used for pubic hair removal at home. The results derived by epilation last for up to 3-4 weeks. As the hair is plucked from its roots, it can be a little painful at first.

Is it better to epilate wet or dry? ›

Epilating wet is going to be a less painful than dry, as there's water to coat and comfort the skin, according to dermatologist Dr. Michele Green, MD. However, "dry epilation is more efficient because the hairs are not flatted down by water," she says, so the epilator can catch and pull each hair better.

How many times do you have to epilate before hair stops growing? ›

Prevention of hair growth

To prevent your hair from growing, you may have to perform between two and four cycles of epilation in conjunction with applying the FRÉNÉSIES cream. In extreme and very rare cases, the treatment may take up to 6 cycles to achieve the permanent results.

What happens if I epilate too much? ›

epilating can cause trauma to the skin and hair follicles by ripping out the hairs from the root. any hair removal method can increase the risk of ingrown hairs and irritation to the follicles, hence the “strawberry legs".

Why are my legs still prickly after epilating? ›

If you are feeling stubble you are cutting the hairs rather than pulling them out of the root this happens if the hair isn't long enough to pull out yet or if you haven't exfoliated first or if you are not going against the hair when epilating, make sure you use exfoliating gloves in the shower prior to epilating which ...

Can you epilate pubic hair? ›

Small and portable epilators can easily be used on privates. An epilator is any device that removes body hair by pulling it out from the roots. Small and portable epilators can easily be used on privates.

Is it better to shave or epilate? ›

Effectiveness: Shavers deliver quick results, while epilators offer longer-lasting smoothness. Cost: Shavers have a lower upfront cost, whereas epilators prove economical over time. Maintenance: Shavers demand blade replacements, whereas epilators need cleaning and periodic part changes.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.